Member of the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences
“Every great design begins with an even better story.”
–– Lorinda Mamo, designer.
Susan Benjamin has been decorating and designing film, television, and interiors for over 25 years. Her passion was ignited at age 9, when she and a friend won Honorable mention for their elaborate, hand built, and meticulously decorated dollhouse in the Village art show in Roslyn, Long Island.
“I bring my passion for literature and art to all my projects. When decorating for film, I create the character in a story. When decorating interiors for a client, I express their personality and lifestyle.”
–Susan Benjamin
As a participating member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Susan is well known for her eclectic mix of high style with whimsical edges and for her focused attention to detail. In addition to working on Oscar-nominated films, Susan has been nominated for an EMMY award and has received a service award from The Set Decorators’ Society of America. In 2008, Susan earned her LEED AP certificate allowing her to bring sustainable practices to decorating film and interior design projects.